Kąśna Dolna - Paderewski Center
The manor of Ignacy Paderewski - a Polish pianist, composer and prime minister of the interwar period, is located in Kąśna Dolna, less than 40 km away from Tarnów. Nowadays, the place holds the role of popularising classical music, educating in culture and spreading the knowledge about its patron. Here various cultural events are organised, for years now marked in Polish art’s calendar. Out of the most important cycles, the Festival of Chamber Music Bravo Maestro and present since1982 Festival of Talent Week are worth mentioning.
The concerts take place in a specially accustomed barnyard, built in the beggining of the XX century. Its characteristic wooden ceiling, perfect acoustics and remarcable vibes of that place, gained approval of the most brilliant artists and receivers of their work, who take part in Kąśna Dolna’s events.
The current events can be checked out at: https:// centrumpaderewskiego.pl/