Zalipie - the Painted Village

Zalipie - the Painted Village

Zalipie is located 30 km from Tarnów. Today, it’s known in the whole Poland and often is featured in a trip plan of international tourists.

The Painted Village - that’s how guidebooks describe Zalipie. Painting houses and enclosures in beautiful floral patterns is a tradition dating back to the XIX century and it was popular in other villages in Powiśle Dąbrowski region. The women would decorate the interiors of their households with flowers made out of blotting paper, folk art paper cuttings and straw spiders hanging from the ceiling as well as painted patterns on the walls. The paintings were also present on the exteriors of the houses, wells, fences and even kennels.

Nowadays, many houses, outhouses and smaller elements of architecture are painted in beautiful colourful patters. The well-known enclosure of Felicia Curyłowa with her hous, is currently a department of Okręgowe Museum in Tarnów. House of the Women Painters is worth seeing, as it is a centre of artists from Powiśle Dąbrowski region. The place is the heart of folk art in Zalipie and its surroundings. It is here, where various cultural works are created and the painters decorate items for touristic purposes.